Graffiti Around Collingwood

Street Graffitti/Murals - Art work at it's best ?

As i venture thru the main, back-end streets of Collingwood, I notice very little clean, untouched wall space. Graffitti - Art work - Murals  can be seen everywhere, some maybe be professionally created, others not so, but in many ways are just as good (if not better). Some inspired by politics, business and others by simply ones wondrous/pondering mind.

Victoria street Abbotsford.
Politically incorrect ? Maybe, but definitely inspired worked. Good job.
Easy street Collingwood

How do they create these creations? They must be very talented to obtain the correct perspective of their creations.

Below are some images from the streets of Collingwood - Johnston,Smith,Sackville ....

Further Graffiti Melbourne 
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 ChemMaths for Windows  DataPro for Windows. Chemistry,Chemical Engineering Data.  EquationsPro for Windows.   GraphsProSim for Windows.  ChemPlayer. Media player for Windows.


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